The pics thread

i like this better for an avatar then the one you have:)

:) Thanks, but hmm, I sort of tried to see how it would work as an avatar but some pics don't really work as one when you have to downsize it and stuff, and plus the way I was standing is kind of weird, lol. I took some more pics, and I was going to try them out though :p
im bored so i'll post a pic
me right now, i hate my curly "fro" thing i got going on

At the risk of sounding like a creepy internet dude, I am going to say that you are very attractive.
oh ok, i was throw off by the "creeped" part

Well I guess it comes from 'creeps' who constantly look at a person's page over and over...and so now jokingly, whenever a person views someone's page just to look, and not to leave any comments or anything its like the person has 'creeped' that person's page...don't worry though I'm not a creep or anything :)
So wait, did I help in the Dave banning? Seems like it happened right after my post.

Just curious is all, I come back after one day and all this shit has happened.