The pics thread

This is a photo of me staring out a window into the sun and adding instagay to it to make it look kewl. I've never used instagram before so I figured I'd see what all the fuss is about. It's stupid.

This is a photo of me staring out a window into the sun and adding instagay to it to make it look kewl. I've never used instagram before so I figured I'd see what all the fuss is about. It's stupid.

I don't mind it. It's just an easy way of adding filters to point and snap phone pics. I usually take out the borders they put on and I also save a copy of the photo with no effect. It only becomes stupid when people become obsessed with posting their meals and every new thing they buy or wear every day.

I could not listen to that for any length of time.

Me neither. I got about 15 seconds in and now I want her to die in a lake of fire.