The pics thread

Ha, thanks for the kind words gents. I got plastered saturday night at a wine tasting as well. It's been a while since I've gotten drunk two nights in a row. Unfortunately, there are no pictures to show of that one. Although, I was on fire that night, nailing one-liners with perfect delivery while macking on some really hot girl. Then I talked to our wine "coach", or whatever the fuck you want to call him, for over an hour about playing drums, and cooking, and wine, and Europe, and all kinds of other shit. He's a pretty cultured dude and plays music with guys from John Mellencamp. I'm not a fan but it's pretty cool. He throws big house concerts with wine tastings and invited me out to one lol. That is how you network my friends.

edit: Found one.

For some reason I always pictured you as a ~250lb red-faced balding guy. I highly approve of your facial structure and hair.
He doesn't look pedo at all to me. Totally an emotionally intense and slightly unstable boytoy type imo.
This one is a few years old. I just found it haha. I like my goatee better than how it is now. It was wider then.

EDIT: Notice the broken glass in the mirror. That was the result of my baby mama throwing shit at me in an argument. What a cuntface she was.
No. Working on that now. You weren't around for that whole mess a couple years back. She took him, I got deeper into drugs and crime, etc., etc. I was pretty though! Haha.