The pics thread

I've gained weight. I was 193 this morning.
The lack of exercise and discipline has sucked. Also the holidays.
I'd love to be 180. My lowest was 176. Was pretty cool.
If I can get under 185 I'll feel pretty good.
Just a matter of eating healthy.
I need to start walking or something. Winter sucks.
The holidays are killer. I whine but I'm still 30 pounds lighter than when I joined this board and you are at least that too. CHIN(S) UP LOL

I am a pretentious thirteen-year-old who feels superior to his peers because he's participating in the "this new generation sucks" circlejerk of the older generation. This could be for various reasons, like that people my age don't like me (possibly because I think I'm better than them), making me want to seek acceptance from another generation. I am doing this by sucking up to them and joining in in the ego stroking.

Does that help?

Edit: On second thought, it sounds like a troll.


the second sentence seems to indicate that the poster is a female, not a male
I'm a little over 6'2", about 210. I'd like to lose some fat (i'm kind of a fatty 210) because females like guys who are in shape, and I like females, but I don't want to get so skinny that I look like one of those hipster douchebags. I'd like to get down to about 180, and then build up some more muscle. Nothing's manlier than looking like Thor.
Dude stay your weight and work out, I would love to be 210 right now, but I can't get over 195 at 6'2

I might do that. Either way, whether I cut and then build up, or just try to bulk up right now, I want to lose some of the fat and become a bit leaner. I have never had any problems gaining weight when I want to, actually. I was 165 about a year ago, and I bulked up to about 195 for football (I was playing hs football at the time (I'm 16), I quit that due to grades, time, etc.), but then over the summer I didn't do much and gained another 10-15 pounds and lost some of my strength. My main goal at the moment is to just lose that extra fat.
I'm pretty comfortable at 170 - 180. I know it's a little bulky for my height, but I don't like to starve. When I was down to 175 this summer, it was almost perfect. I had a little bit of flab on the gut, but I was working out, so I had built a good amount of muscle. Now I've lost most of my muscle tone, I've got a giant belly, and I'm over 190. Feels bad man.
Fuck. At one point (like 9 or something) I had a blonde flat top and American football gear on. There is one picture but I don't even know where it is.