The pics thread

9gag? really bro?

I swear, this thread is like r/funny from 2 months ago.

The sequence seems to be 4chan -> Reddit -> 9gag -> facebook -> UM


I don't check 4chan, Reddit, or 9gag. I found those pics on another forum actually.

Which works out great for me since I only use this and facebook and am not friends with people who share dumbass memes all the time, so I tend to see just the ones that actually pass the smell test.

Reddit and 4chan are pretty separate. I've gone on 4chan since when you had to copy and paste a post number to reply to someone, and while there is cross-pollination between 4chan and reddit, both mostly produce their own content. And 9gag mostly takes their stuff from reddit.
I don't know if I ever posted these, but they are too good to ignore.

MDF 2012 pics.



I really wish I could afford MDF, but it looks like it's gonna be another two years at least before I could do something like that.
I've always wondered if Freeman was a made-up name. Often times, slaves freed by their masters got to choose their own name. Freeman is the last name I'd choose if I were a freed slave.
I've always wondered if Freeman was a made-up name. Often times, slaves freed by their masters got to choose their own name. Freeman is the last name I'd choose if I were a freed slave.

In the Roman Empire, when being a slave had nothing to do with race (besides the Greeks > barbarians argument), freedmen wore a special cap so that everyone could identify their status. Black men in the nineteenth century didn't have that practice, so it makes sense they'd choose such a name since people would otherwise assume they were a slave because of their skin color.
Good point. I remember reading that a lot of freed blacks were often in worse condition than slaves because not only did they have to provide their own necessities for themselves, they also were surrounded by people refusing to accept their status. Having a name like Freeman could have been a way to avoid that, or could have been a kind of "fuck you" to those refusing to accept their status as free men.

Of course it's not like every freed black was better off than every slave, but some slave masters were nice to their slaves, and some freed blacks were impoverished and were not protected under the status of being useful property.
I don't even know what the fuck that means. Help?


I am a pretentious thirteen-year-old who feels superior to his peers because he's participating in the "this new generation sucks" circlejerk of the older generation. This could be for various reasons, like that people my age don't like me (possibly because I think I'm better than them), making me want to seek acceptance from another generation. I am doing this by sucking up to them and joining in in the ego stroking.

Does that help?

Edit: On second thought, it sounds like a troll.