The pics thread

Every Bathory shirt I've ever seen has an album track listing on the back and I hate that shirt. I don't wanna be married to just ONE Bathory album.
The goat's head Bathory shirts are the only ones I would wear.


I dig the artwork on this one but it's just so poorly made...same art on front and back? Seriously? And it's just the album art pasted onto a shirt with no attempt to adapt it to the new format. I hate shirts like that.

90% you can get the goat's head shirt with nothing on the back. That's what I'd get.
That's what he and I got. The other version is with white text and the back of the shirt is just like the album, a pentagram with the track listing superimposed.
I rarely were band shirts(occasionally Alice in Chains), but If I could get an old school Edge of Sanity shirt with the original logo, would deff wear it.

The one downside to my rack mount set upis a can't do cool suff like that. Before I upgraded to my rack set-up, I had a Crate that I decided to make look super shitty:

Good work Kriggles.

Some early christmas presents for myself:


New Remo drum heads and some drum mics. More to come!

Also, I was doing a search on OKC earlier and I found this chick:


I personally think she's hot, I'd pound the shit out of her. Quickly I realized that she looked very familiar to me...


I'd still fuck her.