The pics thread

Take some less gay looking pictures please. It looks like you have makeup on, as in foundation and pink lipstick. Lighting or not, those pictures make you look like a crazy person.

This girl looks like Annette, a girl I was banging for a while. Same body type too. :devil:

It looks mainly like they went after popular imports (IE Saigas), "scary looking guns", and common handguns for gangs (Tec9s etc). There is absolutely no logical or common sense rhyme or reason to the whole thing.
haha richard the jealous and envy makes me laugh
the guy probably gets laid so hard and would probably steal your gf if you and her were to walk by him, and that chicks ok, her ass is her best feature.
I am a crazy person, i posted these pics on POF with some others i took and received like 15 msgs from girls within the first hour lmao. My face just naturally looks perfect like that i can't help it.
I actually laughed out loud at that second picture you posted.

Showed the picture to my fiance for confirmation and she said you looked like the joker.