The pics thread


There's a Lebanese girl that's friends with some dudes that live in my block who looks like her. She's very cute but I believe taken and very much doubt would go out with a white guy.
This chicks hip-waist ratio disturbs me. It's kinda gross.

Agreed, she has not hips or curves. I was going to say this when the pic was first posted, but than I thought other users would call me gay. So I was like whatever. Not even going to start.
It would not bother me if an interracial female would not go out with me because I'm white. Because they're fucking gross.
Yeah man. Young white men aren't at all desirable in this society.

In the UK it's kind of different. The Muslim ethnic women tend stick to their own. Inb4 some old fashioned faggot starts going on about teeth and limes. Oh and there are exceptions lol. You see "bad girls" with white guys from time to time, snogging in public or slipping into their cars and vans. It's kind of funny really.
Just wait till you get older, and you guys aren't even that big on the bbc yet, so I don't want to hear your complaining. Wait till you got mother fuckers who can salsa, white people can't salsa.