The pics thread

She has a differently shaped face to most hot celebrity women. I'm not crazy over her or anything but I'd bang her.
TBH it's not really the pictures of JLAW that I enjoy, it's more of her personality and shit. God, that sounds super fucking pussy as fuck, but she just seems really cool.

*inb4 the Greys comes in and calls me some sort of gay faggot*
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I have no idea why people think Jennifer Lawrence is the most desirable woman in the world. She is average looking at best.

Well, she's average looking in that picture. I guess I don't see the appeal that most guys have over her.
Hmm, well like I said, I don't find her the hottest of all, I just think she's quite pretty.

Here's another slightly none traditional pretty face:


Wtf is with all the fucking awards?

Both shitty movies with shitty acting. From the picture I quoted I figured she was in her 40's, my jaw dropped when I saw she was 22. Without serious makeup this chick isn't even average, really gross facial structure especially in the photo I quoted.

She is a great actress...the quality of movies she has been in doesn't reflect on her as an actress specifically.

Silver Linings Playbook was really awkward at times (the entire first hour was hard to watch), but I place that on Bradley Coopers performance (which was the point really.) Lawrence played her role in that movie absolutely perfectly...

You're also suffering from a SEVERE case of internet super standards if you think she has the ugliest face you've ever seen...

Fucking retard.
She is a great actress...the quality of movies she has been in doesn't reflect on her as an actress specifically.

Silver Linings Playbook was really awkward at times (the entire first hour was hard to watch), but I place that on Bradley Coopers performance (which was the point really.) Lawrence played her role in that movie absolutely perfectly...

You're also suffering from a SEVERE case of internet super standards if you think she has the ugliest face you've ever seen...

Fucking retard.

Before that pic I have never heard of her in my entire life, because unlike you I don't watch gay fucking movies. I'm pretty sure I said ONE of the most ugliest faces I've ever seen, and by that I meant as an actress not as a regular female.

You're suffering from SEVERE shitty taste in EVERYTHING.
You really need to get run over by a bus.

Even if you're comparing her to other actresses that is fucking absurd to say that...

SLP wasn't shitty?
and I find it fucking funny that EVERY PERSON I have EVER seen that refers to women specifically as females in non-biological discussions is a fucking raging misogynist

You are no exception.