The pics thread

My girlfriend listens to Crystal Logic on a regular basis. Your flaming metal system is unwarranted.

Two of my last three ladyfriends (not dating long enough to be called gf) listened to Jazz :yell: and the other one liked shit like Bieber and One Erection.
Two of my last three ladyfriends (not dating long enough to be called gf) listened to Jazz :yell: and the other one liked shit like Bieber and One Erection.

Jazz is the cat's meow, man. You're missing out.

There's a style of jazz out there for everybody. Same goes for pop, country, bluegrass, electronic, etc. Making a blanket statement about an entire genre is the folly of the closed-minded.
I don't like the guitar tone, the "riffs" or the lack of speed.
Cannot stand the vocals or the lyrics.
Drums are very meh.
Sure the blues is loaded with good players, but it's just not my style.