The pics thread

If you can read my Midnight patch, put me back on the bar stool.

This is me presenting at an English conference this past week. Some bitch was talking about how the modern Greco-Roman movies like 300, Clash of the Titans, etc are butchering Classical mythology, and I guess I did this in my response.


Talk to the hand, bitch.
Who needs to join a gym when you can just lift brake rotors and inject motor oil into various parts of your body.

I don't believe I've posted my picture here before, so here you go. Shaved my head all by myself.


From a couple months ago



EDIT: Sorry for the giant pictures, Imgur is being a bitch.

And curious for the women (and secretly gay men) of the forum, I'm not totally ugly right? I mean, I have to look better than King Richard.
I don't believe I've posted my picture here before, so here you go. Shaved my head all by myself.


EDIT: Sorry for the giant pictures, Imgur is being a bitch.

And curious for the women (and secretly gay men) of the forum, I'm not totally ugly right? I mean, I have to look better than King Richard.

At 17 it's hard to say. You already look very masculine for your age, so by the time you're in your 20s you could be anywhere from the apex of sexy manliness to a hideous mongoloid.
At 17 it's hard to say. You already look very masculine for your age, so by the time you're in your 20s you could be anywhere from the apex of sexy manliness to a hideous mongoloid.

50/50% eh? I'll take those odds.

Hey, and maybe if I actually start to groom myself and care about how I look, I'll look really good! :heh: lol
I didn't say 50/50. I'm just saying that those are the two extremes I see you falling between; chances are you'll end up somewhere in the middle.