The pics thread

What are you talking about man? You still didn't even answer my question. So there are no greek words that came from latin influence? Say what you want, but to imply that ancient greek and latin weren't somewhat mixed/infused/whatever the fuck you want to call it during the Roman Empire(which Greece was also a part of) is just plain wrong.
Post pics or GTFO.

New Instagram obsession:


What are you talking about man? You still didn't even answer my question. So there are no greek words that came from latin influence? Say what you want, but to imply that ancient greek and latin weren't somewhat mixed/infused/whatever the fuck you want to call it during the Roman Empire(which Greece was also a part of) is just plain wrong.

MODERN Greek certainly does, but we weren't talking about Modern Greek. And did spoken Latin work its way a bit into spoken Greek under the Roman Empire? Probably a bit, but as written languages they stayed separate. In fact, the high literary Greek culture under the Roman Empire was very proud of keeping their language pure. Latin words rarely made it into Greek.

It was this literary form of ancient Greek, the form that didn't evolve into Modern Greek, that was what the taxonomists were using when coining the words platypus and octopus.

You must distinguish between written and spoken languages at this point.
Kafka trying to save the thread, butt his efforts were in vain.
I don't see what you mean. Unlike Ein's diatribes, all of that was interesting, despite mostly being something I know already.

Butt let's focus more on callipygian matters:


I wasn't wrong. I meant that those aforementioned Greek loanwords came into English via Latin, but I realize that my wording was ambiguous - not the same as being misinformed. Clearly you're a bit butthurt now, but it's not my fault that Zephyrus is better than you.
As long as she removes the pickles first, I'd be inclined to agree with you.