The pics thread

I never got the whole fashion thing anyway. Take care of the obvious/expected grooming, stay in shape and bathe regularly... The whole makeup/clothes obsession never made any sense, but they say women do 90% of that shit to impress other women so I guess that's to be expected.
I never got the whole fashion thing anyway. Take care of the obvious/expected grooming, stay in shape and bathe regularly... The whole makeup/clothes obsession never made any sense, but they say women do 90% of that shit to impress other women so I guess that's to be expected.

No, they do it to fuck with me when I walk/metro to work. I don't remember being this horny when I was in college, but it's getting exhausting these days.
I look like shit when I don't do absolutely anything with my head.

Also I think layers or like shape is needed for most people with hair. It just looks nicer and makes it easier for you to not do anything.
Post pictures, faggots.


Another metal baking example of how my roomate is cooler than all of us.

So sick.
Those cookies are pimp. Didn't he/she make an awesome EW cake too? They a professional or just really into baked goods?
Yeah she did awhile back. EW wasnt stoked at all.

Shes a manager of a Cake shop here in LA, and she does shit like this on the side for fun.

Schmidt, whens your birthday?
Is it weird that i remembered most of the regulars birthdays? and it can't even be Facebook because i know of ones that i don't have on there.

I think Schmidt's is somewhere late October. Like 22nd-ish, and I'm not cheating either.