The pics thread


Cassette, I looked at those pics and my brain read your sig quote as "People who get respect are the people who don’t crumble in the face of swords."
Just picked up a turntable. It's not for an audiophile, but it serves my purpose well. It's USB compatible, which is great because I have a bunch of vintage classical recordings that aren't available in digital format and I'd like to preserve and share them. Can't wait to get through a few LPs.

Just picked up a turntable. It's not for an audiophile, but it serves my purpose well. It's USB compatible, which is great because I have a bunch of vintage classical recordings that aren't available in digital format and I'd like to preserve and share them. Can't wait to get through a few LPs.

Nice. I need to get a new turntable. The one I currently have is shit. What model is this?
... im pretty sure it's this one.[ame][/ame]

I'm actually using the same one right now ... minus the USB port