The pics thread

yeah mate it is in the UK. l know it doesn't look like it, but it's a groups of islands 28 miles off of Land's End off the Cornish coast in south west England. Subterranean temperatures for the summer months and shitty UK weather for the rest of the year. Pretty cool place to live tho. There's 160 of us!
If you can enjoy this kind of lifestyle it's amazing but, some staff arrive and think 'there's only 1 pub, no nightclub...and leave within a day or so. You have to have the mindset to live here all year round, it's good to have hobbies or be happy in keeping oneself entertained, but if you're easily bored, this ain't the place for you.
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Yeah, same here. I revel in human interaction so the thought of there not being people around me is strange to me. I remember when I moved back home I couldn't sleep the first night because of how quiet it was in the burbs.
It's essentially a private estate, leased from Prince Charles by the Dorrien-Smith family. The boss lives in a fantastic huge old Abbey just above the pond/lake southmost in the pic and we peasants live in the 'town' north of the upper pond/lake. No cars allowed. No visiting dogs. No crime. Our doors are never locked. One pub. Two restaurants. A shop. Loads of boats. l know every fuckers business and everyone knows mine. l also have the only band on the island for the last ten years - Dogs of Samson, and we play as you can guess, none offensive covers. It's perfect if you want to escape the rat race of a big city or even large town.
l have a 3 bedroom cottage that comes with my job so l don't pay rent, just bills and cunting council tax. l come from and grew up in Australia, but summer is way too hot for me there, a good English summer is perfect.
And yes we have 'superfast broadband' and Amazon, and Tesco delivers via freight boat. sweet.