The pics thread

Well, my wallet is missing...

And on that unholy cross gender picture I was working on... Epic Fail.
Basically, Blue's eyes ended up blending perfectly into your sockets; Blue's chesthair kind also blended in (not as well as the eyes) with Sao's cleavage of doom, and the whole goro thing failed.....FAILED.

The nipple I put on her forehead didn't help either :erk:
I didn't notice my eye until I looked closer, it really fit in well.
Well, my wallet is missing...

And on that unholy cross gender picture I was working on... Epic Fail.
Basically, Blue's eyes ended up blending perfectly into your sockets; Blue's chesthair kind also blended in (not as well as the eyes) with Sao's cleavage of doom, and the whole goro thing failed.....FAILED.

The nipple I put on her forehead didn't help either :erk:
Post it anyways.:p

I'm pissing myself. I'm sitting in a library and people are looking at me wondering why I've burst out into laughter.

Note: My nipples are better than that.

Note 2: No, I'm not showing you my nipples.

Note 3: Not even you, Kriggy.
aw, come on :cry:
I call this piece:



Being a snail, he's a slow thinker, so he often doubts his own existence.
Actually it consisted of fish soup and some sort of beef dish, with some interesting veggie preparations on the side, and of course red wine. Finished up with a very rich chocolate dessert. It was in Reims, after I toured the cathedral.


Kind of reminds you of nissan's sig, doesn't it.
When I went to Normandy with school, I was peer/group pressured into having a 5 course lobster meal at a restaurant. It cost like £50 ($100). Was pissed off, even though it was pretty decent.