The pics thread


Actually it consisted of fish soup and some sort of beef dish, with some interesting veggie preparations on the side, and of course red wine. Finished up with a very rich chocolate dessert. It was in Reims, after I toured the cathedral.


Kind of reminds you of nissan's sig, doesn't it.

The red car is a Smart Car right... nice... I'd like to have one of those...
So on Saturday night we were standing outside waiting to get inside of a bar and two chicks behind me say...
Girl #1 - "Is that a wig or your real hair?"
Girl #2 - "thats totally a wig"
Girl #1 - "yeah thats a wig"
Me - No its my real hair *tugs on hair*

pic of said hair...
A really weird pic I just found when deleting some photos - it's from my webcam but I have no memory of this, I think I must have taken it accidentally by clicking the wrong button or something.

I find it really funny, it looks like some sort of fashion shoot with a fan blowing my fair:

A really weird pic I just found when deleting some photos - it's from my webcam but I have no memory of this, I think I must have taken it accidentally by clicking the wrong button or something.

I find it really funny, it looks like some sort of fashion shoot with a fan blowing my fair:


You wanna be careful posting photos like that, Dave will start hitting on you and looking for indicators of interest.