The pics thread

Belgrade was a charming, dirty little city. Stayed in a hostel called the Hedonist (orgies not included) and hung out with a couple of dutch most of the time. I went out to a club a couple of times, which was two more times than I anticipated. The place was aptly called The Drug Store. It worked out well and kept me supplied for the Kraftwerk concert the next day. I also was fed a bunch of homemade alcohol called Rakia, which seems to almost always be served out of used, plastic water bottles.



Christmas lights are still up because fuck it. A local who the Dutch and I met clubbing told us they were up until April last year. He was an interesting guy. Seemed moderately progressive and against the victim memorialization of Serbian identity, but then made jokes about Bosnians, said Kosovo only had a claim for independence because Albanians moved there in droves and had 10 kids a piece, and then pulled a Serbian flag out of his ass at the end of the day to include in a picture with us. A nice guy in any case.


Some bus trams which I can only assume are communist.





Kraftwerk was beyond incredible. I had super-high expectations, and they blew them all out of the water. The music was great and songs were tastefully remixed, including a big nod to Fukushima in Radio-Activity. The show was also in 3D (hence the blurry photos). I was skeptical at first, but they nailed it. For The Robots, they stuck four animated mannequins out in their place. The show was seated, but a few songs before the end an improvised dance-floor broke out in the walk-way. Easily one of the top 3 concerts I've ever seen, and certainly the best put together. The concert was followed by following some nice Brits who were filming a movie to a club and hanging out with them before I ran to the airport at 4AM.







Dutch guy just posted the end of the day photo. We asked our Serbian friend if he always carried a flag. He said not all of the time and then listed a few scenarios in which he would hide one in his pocket just in case.

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Yeah man, I'd fucking love to see Kraftwerk sometime. They've been doing those awesome remixes for a while now. Same with that nod to Fukushima when they played it IN Fukushima.