The pics thread

Went to Hamburg on Friday and Saturday and had a blast. I arrived Friday afternoon, walked around the touristy areas for a couple of hours, saw King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, and then got properly sloshed in Reeberbahn. People seem to be pretty snooty about the place, but there's something about stumbling around a graffiti filled neighborhood, dodging puke piles mixed with broken glass, and getting chased by aggressive prostitutes at 3AM that you can't beat elsewhere.








King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard were awesome. They played a bunch of songs from Flying Microtonal Banana, which I was pretty psyched about. I couldn't see very well because of these tall ass northern Germans, but it appeared as though the second drummer/band manager was sitting on the floor of the stage air drumming the whole show.

Back in 80's and 90's we used reels like that to get archival footage for the videos we made for the power corp (before they were sold off to the highest bidder). We converted those reels to 3/4 inch U-matic tapes for editing before finally transferring them to VHS for presentation.
Hah really? Cool
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Yeah the Herman Research Laboratories in Melb used to (maybe still does) house a lot of old archival footage on reels which we had access too. Most of the stuff is still available for researchers as is a lot of the stuff I had a hand in making but since the sell off of the power industries there is only a select few who give a shit it's around and the current owners only care when it's worth something to them. The old editing suite is still under lock and key where it was left nearly 20 years ago, most of the gear is still there, I guess it's owned by the current owners but it used to be a joint venture, and some of the shit has been pinched but most of the rack mounted gear and the desk are still there.
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