The pics thread

Yeah lmao I went out for a run and saw this. There's a bike path that winds around and through the park and much of it is submerged, you can even see half-submerged benches sticking out of the water in the distance.
From rain or some fuck up of modern mankind?

The path in front of the bin is a nice shade of green
Just from the constant rain man, the way they built the park suggests they forgot all about winter. Instead of filtering down an elevated garden area into the grass area and the water drains, it was trapped in the fucking garden. So dumb.
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It's good that you're getting rain we've had SFA over here
In eastern states the policy isn't to build parks that become submerged it's not not build them in the first place.
Still it should be good for the kids of the area, they now have a free paddling pool.
Sadly I know parents who would be like, "Oh I didn't know they were playing in there."
Well, we're not quite as pathetic as the Brits and their claims of having a summer, but many in the colder parts of America would laugh in my face if they experienced a Western Australian winter.

That said, we've had record-breaking cold winters here in W.A. the last few years apparently. At the same time it was basically bucketing it down the other day while I was out and at least half the men I saw were wearing shorts.
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Where as in the Eastern states there is still two weeks of winter left, we are having SFA rain, people are wearing shorts and there is bushfires.

Stupid thing over here though is that it's cold and windy but as soon as the sun comes out people come out in shorts and bitch that it's cold.
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The Eastern States are really quite weird weather-wise. I lived a few years in Sydney and have visited Melbourne and I just much prefer W.A.'s weather. It's much more predictable, reasonably cold in winter, wet and never snowy. Summer can get brutal though.
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Yeah I guess that's true in some ways, although Melbourne and Sydney aren't that unpredictable after a few years living in either place. Sydney is warmer than Melbourne but it also has more rain and less rainy days. July to Sept Melbourne cops it bad from the west and south westerly winds and it can get real cold and rough but in general not much colder than Sydney. Snow is a rare thing in either place and is really only reserved for the mountains and hills of which nether city is close to. Melb cops a lot of shit for the whole 4 seasons in one day thing but I've seen the same thing in every state. I remember one year I was living in Sydney I was watching Bathurst outside with a big screen, beer and a BBQ and the telecast was reporting snow at the top of the mountain.

Bush fires are a bit of a new thing for winter but it's all what you get used to. When I was in Perth for Christmas 2009 it was stinking hot for 12 days straight and even the locals were getting shirty. But those we'd come down from Tom Price with were relived to come down to 42 degrees. Same between Carins and the GC, Carins people come down with jumpers because 40 is too cold for them.
Yeah I guess that's true in some ways, although Melbourne and Sydney aren't that unpredictable after a few years living in either place.

Oh indeed, though I never quite got used to Sydney, even though it was less chaotic than Melbourne's weather patterns.

Melb cops a lot of shit for the whole 4 seasons in one day thing but I've seen the same thing in every state.

I've never really experienced this in W.A. myself. You have?
Oh indeed, though I never quite got used to Sydney, even though it was less chaotic than Melbourne's weather patterns.

Sydney's short sleeve no jumper weather seems to last for longer and the winters do seem milder. But when it rains it comes down in bigger buckets. I didn't mind Sydney but when it was cold it got fucking cold. I think Melbourne's chaos is easier to accept if you take it in large blocks. Summer, Autumn & Spring = mild to hot with some days of rain and wind. Winter = Cold, wet (usually), windy and shitty. We don't need 4 seasons in Melbourne. But then I'm one of those silly fuckers that wears shorts a lot, (I just don't complain it's cold). I worked permanent night shift doing long haul deliveries in the truck for 10 years and never once wore long pants.

I've never really experienced this in W.A. myself. You have?

Yeah a few times. November 2005, low to mid 40's for most of the day, then when the doctor came in he brought a shit load of wind and rain. About 4:30pm ish the sky turned back and it pissed down, there was a shitload of thunder and lightning and the temp dropped into the teens, the rains lasted about 30 mins then it started to heat up again. Similar thing happened in Kununarra one night in '96 storm came in with the darkness, brought shit weather, dropped the temp then at about 11pm it also delivered a fucking earthquake.
There is no doubting Melbourne's shit whether is more regular than most other capitals expect Hobart, (and Darwin in the wet season) but it's not as bad as most people make it out to be. Melbournians know it's going to be fucking cold and adapt, the rest of the world comes here knowing it's going to be cold and wet then complains when it is. But that's fair I know a lot of Victorians who go to QLD and WA and bitch that it's going to be hot.

I only liked Melbourne for it's music scene and I don't care what people say, the music scene today is not a shadow of what it was 30 years ago. I lived there for work and money and that's it. I wouldn't go back to either Melb or Sydney to live.