The pics thread

I'm fundamentally just not much of a city dwelling type and the urban areas are all I got to see in Melbourne. So many fucking people, and that ties into why Melbourne's weather bothered me because I went there for basically a skateboarding trip and the random weather was just a cunt to deal with lmao.
I can relate to that. I hate people! I get pissed off at the shops if there is three people in the same aisle I want to be in, being in the city where there is a hundred people who all want to be in the same spot you are sucks big time. I'm not a football person but I learnt the hip and shoulder tackle at a young age, by the time I was 6 foot 3 I realised that I was actually dangerous in the city because I wanted to push every prick off the footpath and into on coming traffic. If I never have to go back to the city I will be happy.

However you must have just chosen the wrong time of year to skateboard :p
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We had no choice, the trip's plan was based around a big skateboarding event the city puts on every year. I would have preferred to have driven cheaply around the country myself.

Oh well that comes down to the stupid people who organised it! Never ceases to amaze me how many stupid people organise shit for bad weather in this state. I've worked country music festivals in August, the windiest and wettest time of the year but some fuckwit thought it was a good idea to 'risk' the weather.
Payback was delivered though. Melbourne lost first place for the "most liveable city" this year.
It's something like 7 years in a row and not out of the top 10 since the competition started. Venice won it this year.
Totally agree. I like the sky, I like being able to see the stars and I like being able to walk outside and not hear fuckwits racing their cars around residential streets.
Meanwhile, this is my view from home. Until I got a blackout blind for my bedroom it was like there was a full moon every night. On the upside about 96% of the live shows I go to in this city are within walking distance.

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That would bug the shit out of me. I get the shits up when the council fix the street light across the road.