The pics thread

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We used to have a shitload of them in this country, all painted with different characters and different slogans. Backpackers would hire them in the city then they would break down in the country and have to be towed, but they were easily fixed and cheap as shit to run. But the main company changed the images and started to become offensive and rude and people complained so many of them disappeared. I can't think of the name of the company that hired them out though
Wicked Campers. Looks like they're still hitting the news regularly this month every time a specific van gets banned. It was mainly their ones showing drug use which got banned here.
That's them!
I can't remember all that got banned here but I do remember some of the banned ones were pretty mild. Then it just seemed like the company went full retard and started creating shit they knew they would get them in trouble. There was a few down right crass ones which of course the media got hold of but a far bigger problem was the number of shit boxes that seemed to break down. I remember one trip from east to west coast back in 07 we passed about thirty of them over the 4000k trip, they'd either be spluttering and farting along in a smoke haze or the driver would be wringing the neck out of the poor thing.
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