The pics thread

concerning the "hot" characters in star-wars argument.....
am i the only one that doesn't think any of them at all are in particularly sexy??
so luke cage is the only black person the fantastic four could ever possibly hang out with??
that's kinda racist
That voice sounds familiar, is that Diversity & Comics under a different channel name?
Yeah dude, Mark Waid and a few others had been trying their hardest to get his page shut down and they eventually did it in the slimiest way where i guess Meyer accidentally showed more panels than he's allowed(not sure how the laws/rules work for that stuff) in one or two of his videos and they reported him to youtube or something.
Yeah dude, Mark Waid and a few others had been trying their hardest to get his page shut down and they eventually did it in the slimiest way where i guess Meyer accidentally showed more panels than he's allowed(not sure how the laws/rules work for that stuff) in one or two of his videos and they reported him to youtube or something.

Mark Waid really is soy incarnate, I had no idea his channel got cucked. I used to watch a bunch of these guys (Douglas Ernst, Ethan Van Sciver and another guy who I can't seem to find anymore or remember his name) but I lost interest over time. I remember when that absolute dickhead Jim Jefferies interviewed Diversity & Comics and did a smear job by editing the interview dishonestly.