The pics thread

It gets annoying becasue when I trem pick, say on a song like Hans Siste Vinter, where you trem pick both the buzzy frets, it gets annoying. Anyways, how long do you think I'll have to keep my guitar in the shop to fix it?
I finally got around to uploading my pics from my European trip. The places I visited were London, Paris, Bayeux and Brugge.

Cool Statue in Paris

NAPOLEON! His tomb was quite impressive. Around it they also had tombs of other famous French people such as a personal favorite of mine Marshall Foch.

Me in the Louvre with Emperors Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius.

Me in the D'Orsay museum next to reliefs of epic poets Vergil and Dante.

Me and a Nazi gun battery in Normandy. It was a strange area because right around these decaying bunkers are farms.

Omaha Beach Cemetery. It was very moving.

The battlefield at Waterloo
It gets annoying becasue when I trem pick, say on a song like Hans Siste Vinter, where you trem pick both the buzzy frets, it gets annoying. Anyways, how long do you think I'll have to keep my guitar in the shop to fix it?

If the tech really knows what they are doing it shouldn't take more than an hour or two to get it set up right, but your guitar may be waiting in a long line. If possible try to be there while they do it (if they allow it, some people can't stand to be watched while they work), and get the tech to explain what's being done and why. If you get the right person they'll be happy to show you everything you'll need to know to do it yourself next time. Also, try to be pretty sure about the gauge of strings you're going to use because a radical change will mean the set up will need to be done all over again. Personally, I think floating bridge trem systems are more trouble than they're worth.
I fixed the buzz problem on the guitar myself. Turns out my action was too low. I adjusted to get the buzzing away, but now the action is a little too high on the higher frets. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it.
I fixed the buzz problem on the guitar myself. Turns out my action was too low. I adjusted to get the buzzing away, but now the action is a little too high on the higher frets. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it.

I didn't catch what kind of guitar you said it is, but if you've got a quality instrument you shouldn't have to suffer with high action to get rid of fret buzz. There could be a few different things wrong, none of which are super easy to fix without a lot of experience. Sounds to me like you might need your truss rod adjusted. I would still take it to a good tech and have it checked out.

I have an Ibanez I got from MusiciansFriend for $60 that plays like a $1000 guitar because it was setup by a really good tech.
I fixed the buzz problem on the guitar myself. Turns out my action was too low. I adjusted to get the buzzing away, but now the action is a little too high on the higher frets. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it.

If the action is too high then you corrected one thing but it's still not perfect. Seriously get it set up by someone who knows what he's doing and has the tools to do it. And if he can't make it sound and feel great you can complain to him as you paid for it. :p

If you're happy with the sound and feel of your guitar chances are that you'll play more and therefore be better in the end. Just make a couple phone calls in your area if there's some guitar techs or something and at least find out how much a set up would be.
Cookiecutter, those pics are awesome. It looks like you had a lot of fun on your trip! I'm jealous!
I am going to Paris on Wednesday. I am going to check out some Paris Bars and wine tasting!

Does anyone know of any good metal shops in France.