The pics thread

The rise and fall of my Agave plant (aka Century plant)






Nice weather

Yeah, that's Tucson for you. Although I just had the last pic taken about an hour ago, and it's about 100 F here right now. Should get up to 103 today.

The first pic was taken in December 2006. That plant grows for about 10-15 years and then shoots up that thing at the end of it's life (and it grows FAST), and then dies and falls over. I think mine fell a bit early because it was so big.

I think it's a different type of Agave that they make Tequila from.

Yeah, that's Tucson for you. Although I just had the last pic taken about an hour ago, and it's about 100 F here right now. Should get up to 103 today.

The first pic was taken in December 2006. That plant grows for about 10-15 years and then shoots up that thing at the end of it's life (and it grows FAST), and then dies and falls over. I think mine fell a bit early because it was so big.

I think it's a different type of Agave that they make Tequila from.


gross, gross, gross, gross!!! I was in Phoenix in January. 70 degrees at fucking January, I would hate to be there right now
Every single time someone looks Jewish or something is Jewish-related, or has a negative connotation, Jews are brought into it. (For some of you) where do you get this bullshit put into your brains from? What fucking personal reason do you have for slagging Jews? The same goes with blacks. Some of you make disgusting comments, even if in jest, about blacks. Who fills your stupid brains with this shit? You think its the internet so these parts of you only reside here? They will leak into your lives as well, I'll bet on it.

Not only the above, but yet if I say say something against Americans, the lot of you will rally up and get defensive. But its still ok you for you to slack Jews and Blacks? Get fucked. Some of you are fucking whitetrash inbred hillbillies with the fucking cultureless mongrel mentality you have. Care if someone is fucking Jewish, care if they're black. Everyone is equal. Fucking wake up.

//end rant. Fuck I hate racial intolerance and mysogeny, it fucking FUCKS ME OFF!!!!

Some people are actually joking you know. And sometimes some people do it just to get a reaction out of people like you.
^ I know. And they did. But I have no tolerance for it. The more more people joke about it, the less of a joke it becomes mate. They'll find themselves in real life saying it to someone who is Jewish, black, or a woman. And then, it ceases to be a joke and they end up in serious shit.
Whether or not they get in trouble for it has nothing to do with whether or not it was a joke...the important part is whether or not they mean it. I just think you're a bit oversensitive. I'm just as staunchly opposed to racism as you, as I'm sure you're aware, as I've argued the point and similar points many times, but I also find humor in things that generally are not considered humorous. I have no problem with racist jokes themselves.
Every single time someone looks Jewish or something is Jewish-related, or has a negative connotation, Jews are brought into it. (For some of you) where do you get this bullshit put into your brains from? What fucking personal reason do you have for slagging Jews? The same goes with blacks. Some of you make disgusting comments, even if in jest, about blacks. Who fills your stupid brains with this shit? You think its the internet so these parts of you only reside here? They will leak into your lives as well, I'll bet on it.

Not only the above, but yet if I say say something against Americans, the lot of you will rally up and get defensive. But its still ok you for you to slack Jews and Blacks? Get fucked. Some of you are fucking whitetrash inbred hillbillies with the fucking cultureless mongrel mentality you have. Care if someone is fucking Jewish, care if they're black. Everyone is equal. Fucking wake up.

//end rant. Fuck I hate racial intolerance and mysogeny, it fucking FUCKS ME OFF!!!!


How the fuck is asking someone who looks vaguely Jewish if they are, in fact, jewish, "intolerant"?

I also loved these bits:

Everyone is equal. Fucking wake up... Fuck I hate racial intolerance...

Which are pretty funny when compared to this:

Not only the above, but yet if I say say something against Americans, the lot of you will rally up and get defensive... Get fucked. Some of you are fucking whitetrash inbred hillbillies with the fucking cultureless mongrel mentality you have.
Get fucked. Some of you are fucking whitetrash inbred hillbillies with the fucking cultureless mongrel mentality you have. Care if someone is fucking Jewish, care if they're black. Everyone is equal. Fucking wake up.

Wow, that's a pretty hypocritical statement there huh? Basically voids everything you just said.

Even though I agree, you can get fucked too.