The pics thread

Hubster, it seems that there are three sides of you

1) The PC Patrol Hall Monitor, during which you make sure that nothing funny is said at the expense of a group of people;
2) The Chairman of the America is Shit Board, during which you make sure that Americans know that they're an amalgamation of dickfucks with no culture of their own and therefore shit on other people to make themselves feel better;
3) And the Administrator of Cultural Pride, namely your own and those of the bands that you like, during which you extol the virtues of differences of culture and how wonderful it is and how awesome yours is, producing a big of what appears to be a superiority complex.

It's really starting to get out of hand. First off, I'm not going to fucking censor what people say. If they want to make jokes and those jokes happen to be at the expense of a race of people, then so be it. Jokes can be made about anything, that's the beauty of humor. Secondly, people are allowed to be racist, regardless of how much you or I may hate it. While complete and utter racial intolerance may not be accepted, there is certainly nothing stopping people from feeling the way that they do. Finally, lay off of Americans already. I am not saying this as an American, as I personally couldn't be fucked to give a shit, but rather as a fellow board member and the moderator of the forum. It's really getting tired. We get it, you think that Americans are uncultured and uncivilized and unintelligent. Americans are, of course, completely oblivious to everything that goes on outside of America, in addition to everything that goes on IN America that is not told to us on American Idol and Desperate Housewives and The Sopranos and baseball games. Americans are loud, obnoxious, rude, foul, dirty, inconsiderate, and generally not fit for general society. You've made this amply clear that this is how you feel, adjusting for hyperbole and exaggeration. While you can think this all you want, regardless of whether or not there is any universal reality or truth to it, it's getting more and more redundant and seeping into more and more of your posts, derailing more and more threads. You have implied that Americans think differently than the rest of the world in even the most trivial of matters as 'proven' (your word) by your brilliant [meaningless] experiment you conducted detailing who is American and who is not, among other things in the past during which you work to separate 'American' from 'the rest of the world' in order for you to be able to label issues, traits, and problems as distinctly American, almost as if you're cornering a bug so you can smash it with the business end of a shoe heel and solve all the problems in the world. The reality is that the generalizations that you make about Americans is boring and tiring and generally untrue. Americans are no more or less cultured, educated, aware, etc. than the majority of the world, and even if the opposite was true, that does not merit the passive aggressive subversive attacks that you've been making for quite some time now. Americans are not a homogenous group of people. In fact, Americans are far less homogenous than the rest of the world, so making any broad, sweeping comments about Americans is going to be inherently unfounded for a large section of the population. In sum, don't take your problems with the government and what you see on tv about American obesity and your general bias against America out on the board members here, because I'm not going to stand for it. Crack America jokes all you want, but don't take it out on the board members.
Hubster, it seems that there are three sides of you

1) The PC Patrol Hall Monitor, during which you make sure that nothing funny is said at the expense of a group of people;
2) The Chairman of the America is Shit Board, during which you make sure that Americans know that they're an amalgamation of dickfucks with no culture of their own and therefore shit on other people to make themselves feel better;
3) And the Administrator of Cultural Pride, namely your own and those of the bands that you like, during which you extol the virtues of differences of culture and how wonderful it is and how awesome yours is, producing a big of what appears to be a superiority complex.

It's really starting to get out of hand. First off, I'm not going to fucking censor what people say. If they want to make jokes and those jokes happen to be at the expense of a race of people, then so be it. Jokes can be made about anything, that's the beauty of humor. Secondly, people are allowed to be racist, regardless of how much you or I may hate it. While complete and utter racial intolerance may not be accepted, there is certainly nothing stopping people from feeling the way that they do. Finally, lay off of Americans already. I am not saying this as an American, as I personally couldn't be fucked to give a shit, but rather as a fellow board member and the moderator of the forum. It's really getting tired. We get it, you think that Americans are uncultured and uncivilized and unintelligent. Americans are, of course, completely oblivious to everything that goes on outside of America, in addition to everything that goes on IN America that is not told to us on American Idol and Desperate Housewives and The Sopranos and baseball games. Americans are loud, obnoxious, rude, foul, dirty, inconsiderate, and generally not fit for general society. You've made this amply clear that this is how you feel, adjusting for hyperbole and exaggeration. While you can think this all you want, regardless of whether or not there is any universal reality or truth to it, it's getting more and more redundant and seeping into more and more of your posts, derailing more and more threads. You have implied that Americans think differently than the rest of the world in even the most trivial of matters as 'proven' (your word) by your brilliant [meaningless] experiment you conducted detailing who is American and who is not, among other things in the past during which you work to separate 'American' from 'the rest of the world' in order for you to be able to label issues, traits, and problems as distinctly American, almost as if you're cornering a bug so you can smash it with the business end of a shoe heel and solve all the problems in the world. The reality is that the generalizations that you make about Americans is boring and tiring and generally untrue. Americans are no more or less cultured, educated, aware, etc. than the majority of the world, and even if the opposite was true, that does not merit the passive aggressive subversive attacks that you've been making for quite some time now. Americans are not a homogenous group of people. In fact, Americans are far less homogenous than the rest of the world, so making any broad, sweeping comments about Americans is going to be inherently unfounded for a large section of the population. In sum, don't take your problems with the government and what you see on tv about American obesity and your general bias against America out on the board members here, because I'm not going to stand for it. Crack America jokes all you want, but don't take it out on the board members.

good post, agreed 100%
I so didn't read that.


Necuratul: Okay I've read it. I guess you're correct to an extent, but probably read into it a bit more than is needed... ultimately, I don't like seeing people get berated for their race. I've been on the receiving end and believe me, it's not fun. And trust me when I say, you DON'T know what it is like and probably never will.

That's pretty much it. It just so happens though, that I'm seeing this stuff happen more and more around here, and more so by American posters.

Yes, Americans (on this board) do piss me off. Yes, I do find them stupid. It's hard for you to imagine what I see, as you are in the US (however, I don't count you among those who I consider stupid Americans, in fact there's a few Americans here who I think are pretty cool). I just think some of you people need to look at what you're saying, and realising that it's NOT funny. You can't use such characteristics for humour, it's not right. That act itself is a result of personal complex.

Anyway, too drunk right now to go into it more, but let me say one thing: it's not a superiority complex even though it seems so, more so, just that I don't like seeing unjust things. I don't like seeing people bagged because of their colour or ethnicity, or gender. I know I can't do much about it, I have no power, I accept that. I just like to see people treated well in life.

Yes, I know its rosy. But it's just me.


its misogyny, and a lot of the times its justified. I have a girlfriend AND I still hate 99.9% of women. they are catty, shallow, and materialistic cunts. I've yet to meet a woman besides my girlfriend who ins't obsessed with a big dick and a bigger paycheck. gold digging whores, all of them!
I so didn't read that.


Necuratul: Okay I've read it. I guess you're correct to an extent, but probably read into it a bit more than is needed... ultimately, I don't like seeing people get berated for their race. I've been on the receiving end and believe me, it's not fun. And trust me when I say, you DON'T know what it is like and probably never will.

That's pretty much it. It just so happens though, that I'm seeing this stuff happen more and more around here, and more so by American posters.

Yes, Americans (on this board) do piss me off. Yes, I do find them stupid. It's hard for you to imagine what I see, as you are in the US (however, I don't count you among those who I consider stupid Americans, in fact there's a few Americans here who I think are pretty cool). I just think some of you people need to look at what you're saying, and realising that it's NOT funny. You can't use such characteristics for humour, it's not right. That act itself is a result of personal complex.

Anyway, too drunk right now to go into it more, but let me say one thing: it's not a superiority complex even though it seems so, more so, just that I don't like seeing unjust things. I don't like seeing people bagged because of their colour or ethnicity, or gender. I know I can't do much about it, I have no power, I accept that. I just like to see people treated well in life.

Yes, I know its rosy. But it's just me.

well maybe if you foreigners weren't such thin-skinned pussyfarts we wouldn't antagonize you so much. you kind of bring it on yourself with your lack of a sense of humor.
Hubster, I'd just like to say that I DO know what it's like, and to assume that a white person can't know what it's like is a bit unfair. I live in a city where over 90% of the population is of hispanic descent, and I've lived here my entire life. I've taken a whole lot of crap for being white. It's not 'cool' or 'hip' to be white anymore. Not that I have a problem with being white or that it's really bothered me to be called a cracker and other inane remarks (though luckily it's never been elevated to the physical level), but I've experienced my fair share of prejudice in my life. Everything about me, especially given where I live, is part of a marginal, outsider culture. I'm a long-haired, intelligent, well-read, white metalhead. This is the exact antithesis of nearly everybody else that lives here. This is a very poor community with very poor schools and very little incentive to get ahead in life, so poverty is quite abundant here, which means that education is below par. I get looks when I'm seen READING for fuck's sake.

As for the 'unjust' comment, race jokes have nothing to do with justice and injustice. That is putting the whole issue on a highly undeserved level of importance. Sometimes jokes are just jokes, regardless of the subject matter. It may not be PC or in good taste, but that doesn't mean it's malicious.
God damnit, you imbeciles are almost making me agree with Hubster about Americans...
Maybe this will lighten the mood:


I'd like more of this and less of the bitching.
To assume that a person not native to our country and culture should automatically expect to be treated a certain way or know how such a place is, is pretty goddamn stupid to think if you ask me. Shit like what you just said is what makes him mad I bet. And I agree, it was a pretty self-righteous and ignorant statement.

All it boils down to is perception man. If you say something, even with the best intentions, someone might see or read or hear it another way and take it offensively. So why do you all keep doing it? Because you think you are cool? Does it give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside? It's just sad. I'm not trying to downplay your "freedom of speech" bullshit reasoning but goddamn for once I wish I could come here and not see a bunch of little kids trying to act funny and witty making comments that are just stupid. There's a line, has and always will be one. Is my point.

edit: Don't get me wrong, I'm all about having a good time, and making friendly jokes.
here's the thing.

people make fun of Americans with little comeupance, yet when we make fun of another country, our flag gets burned. where's the just cause in that? its a double standard...