The pics thread

To assume that a person not native to our country and culture should automatically expect to be treated a certain way or know how such a place is, is pretty goddamn stupid to think if you ask me. Shit like what you just said is what makes him mad I bet. And I agree, it was a pretty self-righteous and ignorant statement.

All it boils down to is perception man. If you say something, even with the best intentions, someone might see or read or hear it another way and take it offensively. So why do you all keep doing it? Because you think you are cool? Does it give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside? It's just sad. I'm not trying to downplay your "freedom of speech" bullshit reasoning but goddamn for once I wish I could come here and not see a bunch of little kids trying to act funny and witty making comments that are just stupid. There's a line, has and always will be one. Is my point.

edit: Don't get me wrong, I'm all about having a good time, and making friendly jokes.

Who are you talking to?
I've yet to meet a woman besides my girlfriend who ins't obsessed with a big dick and a bigger paycheck. gold digging whores, all of them!
Not a problem for those of us who have a nice paycheck and a huge dick, though.
I wouldn't want a girl who is like what you described, though, so I made sure to get a better version; the best one, actually

/Hell Mike
Ohiogrinder, what's wrong with a woman expecting a man to be financially able to take her out on a night on the town every once and a while? Get a job and quit sapping the govt. for SSI. The thought that a man should be able to please you sexually is not a far-fetched expectation. I highly doubt that every woman from Ohio is looking for a guy who drives a Lexus and has a pound of flesh stuffed in his blue overalls.

Quit the dairy queen, it would be a smart career move.

As far as this racial debate goes, Necrautal has hit the nail on the head so many times that the plank has split. I'm whiter than Jenny Garth's bicuspids, and live in a 90% hispanic community myself. All through school my race would be acknowledged by friends and foes. Such terms of affection included honky, whitey, cracker, the ancestor of those who enslaved my grand pappy Jebediah. But in the face of it all, I didn't walk around sobbing like an Australian bitch. I know it's a touchy subject, seeing that you're an aborigine and all. But hell you really need to grow a thicker layer of skin on that dark hide of yours.
*sigh* yet another fucking dumbass post by you.

Trampled, no. And the only one who has displayed any common sense and actually understood my point has been Necuratul. Pretty much everyone else has proven that what I've said is correct by their responses of denial.
...I just think some of you people need to look at what you're saying, and realising that it's NOT funny. You can't use such characteristics for humour, it's not right. That act itself is a result of personal complex...

It actually is funny and you actually are out of your fucking mind. Joking about taboo subjects = funny. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
Yeah, joking about taboo subjects is funny, I agree. But the way many of you carry on goes beyond being funny and clearly expressing your disgusting views about certain things, which is what almost all of you denying.
Really dumb question here - does anyone have any good ideas for getting rid of cat spray smell?

There was a cute little cat which wandered into our place, and it's sprayed on our fridge (of all places).

Any ideas about how to get rid of the smell? And we're also having a hard time actually finding the exact spot as well. Is there a way to tell?

We have used Domestos to mop the area, we've cleaned skirting boards etc, and we keep finding the smell is still around. Driving us mad!

Buy some universal indicator from a swimming pool shop. Anything except phenolphthalein should do. Squirt some around the suspected area. It will change color according to the pH of the urine.