The pics thread

Christ, Youngstown is apparently hell on earth, because you always seem to blame problems on it.

"Hey pal, go fuck yourself. Maybe you can whistle, but that isn't an option for me because this is Youngstown, where it rains lava and the streets are ruled by roving gangs of main eating polar bear -alligator-biker hyrbids and the women are all hookers and there are radioactive bees."

We should all take this to heart. We've already had two Photo threads locked (three if you count the hot girls thread). Let's not lose our privileges permanently. As stated by the thread starter, let's restrict it to just pics and not clusterfuck arguments. We all love to post pics and stuff, let's get our shit together before Deron takes that away forever.

Dodens, to be safe, should do some spring cleaning on this thread.


Pics you tard knockers!

Okay, post pictures, I'll try to do a better job keeping this on topic (aka posting and discussing pictures).
My latest haul (excluding Presence as I've owned it for ages)

The fest is on the 7th of july. That was just a picnic last weekend and it kicked ass (except the ghost part). That place is pretty weird, as a lot of soldiers (warriors) were burried there ages ago. So people believe that this hill has some special atmosphere (especially when they smoke weed...).