The pics thread

llama, buck up, seriously. Don't take it personally, because while it's funny, it's not like people are really laughing at you.
This thread isn't epic enough. Therefore, epic pictures time.
These are from Sunday night's d&d session, which was held outside surrounded by tiki torches. Because we're that epic.
If you're wondering why we have guitars, I brought my guitar because Asa asked to see it since he hadn't seen it and then we just brought them out for a soundtrack. When we were journeying through a haunted forest I played some folky black metal and when we got on our horses and rode down the King's Road I played some galloping power metal and in combat, some deathrash. Of course, I was playing this acoustically, but it worked surprisingly well and didn't become a distraction.


Us (Phillip, who was sitting in for someone else, is the cameraman, since he wasn't in the fight at this point, iirc)

Us again, me at the far end there.
If you're wondering why Asa (foreground) is wearing a sheepskin, we all were. He decided to wear it to make things more epic (he's the DM, btw).


The epic tiki torches




Us without flash. We felt these pics looked kinda caveman-ish.


The embers of the fire, which was dying down (obviously).


Asa, with flash. What a sexy beast.


Asa without flash. He looks like a caveman.


I realized I needed a picture of my guitar, so I asked for one. Not at my best in this photo tbh.


Tried to do a black metal type photo. Didn't work to well. Hard to be kvlt in shorts and a Dark Empire t-shirt.


There it is. The pinnacle of awesome. The most epic guitar photo you'll ever see.
Just curious am I the only one here who's room is completely devoid of decoration and posters of sorts? Or do you all broadcast your interests on your walls?
I have a poster I got in NY from a street artist. It's a skeletal rocknroll band in front of hundreds of thousands of skeletal fans and there are badass mountains in the back and the top is clouds filled with cherubs and dead rockers (he does some pretty good likenesses)
And I have a painting of a penguin I did like 10 years ago.
And that's it.
I think my interests change too much for me to ever have posters. I generaly am into completely different things every 2-3 years.