The pics thread

That's just not funny. Sorry.

You suck.


Like what did she fucking do there bitch maaan like a tourist or something fuck her and fucking kill her she's not from here she's like incopetent or something she doesn't know shit man about men or some she's like looking over there if there's her grandpa there or something she's like a little fucinkg babz she's like OMG tbh.
I took some pics of my room in my new apartment.

Here's my bed watched over by the next President of the United States

This is a little alcove near the window where I set up my chair. It's a good spot for reading.

Here's my bookshelf, CD collection and favorite poster. It's the Kramer portrait.

This is the view from my window out on Bathurst St.

Hopefully I'll get some cool pictures of my neighborhood and the university campus.
I see you have a poang. I approve :kickass:
The Obama poster is a different matter; he's better than McCain but far from perfect and I'm not sure I'd want him watching me sleep.
Sweet poster. The bookshelf doesn't seem to have too many books on it, though...
The highlight of my car job yesterday - using a jack to undo a bolt on the brake caliper because my wimpy ass could not budge the bolt any other way.

So I have to do an Ad Spoof for my advertising class (we can make up the product) so I came up with this motivational poster style spoof on metal. Let me know what you think (first time I have tried this). I should also add that I haven't handed it in or anything, I am just trying to play around with some ideas. Feel free to give me some ideas and pointers as well.
