The pics thread

All I wanna do is fuck Tara(not the one who posts here) posts reminded me of her and how much I just wanna do naughty.
She must have been chugging down cheese fries and Mc Griddles for a year straight to get like that. I don't even know how its humanly possible to get that large.
I absolutely don't understand it. Okay, you get overweight, a beer gut, whatever, yeah, I see how that happens. You turn into a whale, I just don't fucking get it. What would it be like to be that big?

She killed her husband........
I WAS eating before I saw that fucking fat pictures. Keyword: WAS

ha that sucks

I was eating a bagel from soulshine when Krig posted his balls(i paid for that bagel asshole)

anyways... is that Krigs girl ? :)