The pics thread

Quoting it is one thing, but did you have to bring it to the next page, jackass.
Not the next page for me tbh.

Slightly changed version with thicker "sinews" because the laser cutter won't cut the thin parts properly...

Looks pretty cool. What are you gonna do with it?

This is so fucking accurate. I was getting really pissed off last night.

I'd take her out to dinner. Where later in the car I'm unable sum up the courage to make a move and end up in my apt naked watching black on black porn.
I love you dude. Keep posting.
Not true. McCain's accusations were false. For example, the tax thing; NOT FUCKING TRUE. Palin did it again last night. It's such bullshit, and they've been called on it, and they keep lying. No one making under 250k will have a tax increase. Why can't they fucking accept this?
Hopefully after last night when Biden had to repeat it like 6 times to get Palin to stfu people will start to get it.
He's a politician what the hell do you want. McCain lies every 2 seconds also.

WAIF: actually they probably won't be able to do the >250k thing, and if they can't I blame it on the shittiness of the economy atm.
i wasn't talking about that, i know that. it was the other shit like on how obama voted in the senate (can't think of specific examples) and obama pulled the "nuh-uh" act and mccain was trying to get it through to him that there are senate records proving obama wrong. either way, both of them are slandering and putting words in each others mouth and it's rather annoying. it'd be much better if they both just got to the point, said what they want to do and give a REAL plan on how they want to do it
i watched it for a half an hour waiting for them to say something that wasn't slander or protecting themselves and it didn't happen so i got bored and did something else. i guess i didn't stay long enough to here the real points

the one thing the bothers me most about Palin with public speaking is that she has an annoying tremor in her voice almost constantly and also, she stares at the camera the whole time