The pics thread

Nah, women got this kind of hands too. I know a few personally...

I 'love' it when people have this kind of face expression on photos like they're busy with something or like the pic was taken all suddenly - and you still can see a piece of their arm holding the camera...
pics or it didn't happen

The bottom pic is the pic the "girl" has on "her" "bodyspace."

And now I have to explain...

Bodyspace is basically a MySpace-esque thing for bodybuilders. They can upload pics of themself, track lifts, and other things like that.

So, someone found the top pic on myspace and noticed the bikes were similar, pretty much identical. TRANNY SURPRISEEEE.

Also, this morning, "her" myspace wasn't private. Now it is. :erk:

Since this IS the pic thread, might as well post a pic that is relevant to the discussion:




Apparently, those 67 persons did not read through the thread. (or they like trannies)
could it not be her brother?

I don't get how you know that guy is the same person. They look similar but they are presumably related.