The pics thread

I'm no whore fucktard. I'll give as good as I get.
I know you're trying to scare me off, as I've said to ozzyman or whatever he's called (no offence to him) I'm a regular poster of another forum and I do exactly what you're trying to do to me. It makes me laugh that people think they're all big and hard when they're using a keyboard.

Go play WoW or something.

I don't give a shit if you post here.
He's right, though. If you're not a whore, don't act like one.
Trying to get guys on the internet to nut over the possibility of an appearance from your boobs is what whores do.

Is that really her problem, or just the problem of people like llama and joe for turning into complete retards and spamming threads with SHOW UR TITS LOL everytime this happens?