The pics thread

I can see those two bros have quite the bromance going on there.

Mhm. They try to find more bros to have a brosome, but they couldn't find any. So then they decided to go home. So then they arrive home. Then they start pushing each other, and yelling, "no bro". Then at that moment they realize that they are meant to be bros together. They then put their lips together and slowly start to kiss each other. Then they take off their clothes slowly, and put their penis in the others asshole. They start broaning in pleasure, yelling "OH YEAH BRAH BRO IT TO ME".

Be right back, need to clean up this white sticky mess I made.

Back. Anyways, they then start cumming at the other bro. Yelling "I'M CUMMING BRO, I'M CUMMING". Getting it everywhere on the other bros hole. So much bro passion. It' pure being a bro.
draw too many lines and you look old, too few and it doesn't look like anybody in particular.


CHANGED IT WOOO /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\
I'm actually fucking pissed that one of my friends friends said he was "adding hot chicks that his friends knew in Hong Kong" or something along the lines of that on facebook. Turns out he added me. How many girls does anyone know named Joe? What the fuck.