The pics thread

Gear. I'm sick of this cab and plan on getting a 2x12.
Why did you get a line 6 head? I thought you were into playing OSDM...

I can get great old school DM tones with either head using natural gain and what I do ontop is add/mix alittle reverb and delay. Distortion is distortion. Albums sound the way they do because of studio's and guitars,etc.. being run through various mics and equalized and than add ontop 2,3 guitar channels mixed together harmonizing which has a lot to it. Intent tone and sound is more in the fingers and techniques/chords than gear and say if my gear is not here write all my old school DM on a crate 10 watt combo amp that blows dicks. an amp is an amp

I write DM songs acoustically sometimes.
find video's of guitarists amp tone in a studio coming straight out of the amp and than what it sounds like after recorded.