The pics thread

you should definetly grow it out or at least try to because thats the best kind of hair:)lucky
Consider myself luckly then. It's so hard to keep it from getting 'split' and messy through out the day, but I don't really care anyways so.
long hairs are always getting the chicks :erk:

why I can't I grow long hair?!

Are you serious? Most women are TURNED OFF by men with long hair. Do you not realize this is the age of metrosexualism? They want their men clean shaved, plucked eyebrows, fake tanned, rippling with muscles and smelling of daisies.

Even if you had the most amazing long hair you would still not "get chicks" because

A) You are an ingrate.
B) The likelyhood of you finding a woman that would like long hair AND someone like you is rare indeed.

Vote for me

Hails fellow Connecticutician.
^^^sad but true

but those girls are retarded
real men have long hair and facial hair drink lots of beer and dont fall into the stereotype of what they should be

men who pluck their eyebrows = homo
men with fake tans = homo
Are you serious? Most women are TURNED OFF by men with long hair. Do you not realize this is the age of metrosexualism? They want their men clean shaved, plucked eyebrows, fake tanned, rippling with muscles and smelling of daisies.

Even if you had the most amazing long hair you would still not "get chicks" because

Im a manly man!!!
^^^sad but true

but those girls are retarded
real men have long hair and facial hair drink lots of beer and dont fall into the stereotype of what they should be

men who pluck their eyebrows = homo
men with fake tans = homo

I have long hair and facail hair but i'm straight edge..that make me a homo? :lol: