the police just need to start calling the sniper on his shit


Aug 2, 2002
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like, going around putting up flyers like 'the sniper is a fucking candy ass' or 'what kind of killer shoots people from a distance, PUSSY!!!!'.
even better 'my dad could kick the sniper's dad's ass'.
i'm sayin. this guy is a fucking wuss. like, 'oh i'm gonna sit here in a tree and shoot people!' what kind of a fucking pansy does that? they need to call him out on that. some dude like my dad needs to go on tv and be like 'what is this, laser tag you fucking faggot?'
Originally posted by the_preppy
i'm sayin. this guy is a fucking wuss. like, 'oh i'm gonna sit here in a tree and shoot people!' what kind of a fucking pansy does that? they need to call him out on that. some dude like my dad needs to go on tv and be like 'what is this, laser tag you fucking faggot?'

The sniper is too pussy even for Laser Tag, he probably thinks it's Photon!

So, who wants to take bets on how quickly he will be hung from a tree branch in an ol' fashioned lynching once he's caught?
i dunno, i think Josh Snipe-Williams is inspiring less lynch-em fervor than an Islamic terrorist type or a Specklike murderer...being sniped isn't a classically horrifying fear, but some dude crawling out from under your bed with a serrated knife and some duct tape sure as hell is.
imagine if the sniper is Elian Gonzales or Adam Sandler. would he still be punked out?

i would fully anticipate seeing slow-mo full facial shots of anguished suburbanites, turning their heads away in shame, hands helplessly clawing at the air...
Originally posted by xfer
i dunno, i think Josh Snipe-Williams is inspiring less lynch-em fervor than an Islamic terrorist type or a Specklike murderer...being sniped isn't a classically horrifying fear, but some dude crawling out from under your bed with a serrated knife and some duct tape sure as hell is.

I totally disagree with this. First off, it's one completely unknown person, there's no organization or anything to subtract from the fear or anger of these people. Also, he is terrorizing a very small area and is choosing his victims completely at random, not to mention attacking schools in broad daylight. The mystery adds to the fear, which will add to the anger when he is caught. He doesn't even HAVE to break into your home and duct tape your mouth shut, he can just wait for you to leave your house to go grocery shopping or pick up your kid from school. Utterly terrifying. Also, it's Maryland and Virginia here, not necessaruily the most gun-totin and person-lynchin states, but no slouches either.
maybe, josh. i just fear sudden, immediate death a LOT less than running in terror and wrestling with some dude and then being tortured and cut up and parts of my body eaten.
actually i heard this interview where that journalist chris whathisface was talking about how this is exactly what the media is trying to do.
Originally posted by robina
actually i heard this interview where that journalist chris whathisface was talking about how this is exactly what the media is trying to do.

the media is "exactly" doing this????:
like, going around putting up flyers like 'the sniper is a fucking candy ass' or 'what kind of killer shoots people from a distance, PUSSY!!!!'.
even better 'my dad could kick the sniper's dad's ass'.
whatever dude. no sissy fucking 'hide in the shadows like a perverted child molester' sniper is going to scare me. shit, the least he could do was be decent to the sickness that is psychopathology and give someone a good wack with an axe or some shit. i mean, FUCK even Lizzie Borden did it and she was a TOTAL WUSS.
Originally posted by the_preppy
like, going around putting up flyers like 'the sniper is a fucking candy ass' or 'what kind of killer shoots people from a distance, PUSSY!!!!'.
even better 'my dad could kick the sniper's dad's ass'.

what about a big banner saying

"the sniper has a small wee-wee"