The "post a funny, unusual CoB pic" thread

Well, for the new folks here, here is da' drinkin' pic that will close out the interview on Metalwhore: (most of the others have seen this one)


He's so powerful with what he creates, that genious kickass music... yet so short and pale, cute and vulnerable....and that contrast thingy FASCINATES teh nut.

Lantern..i took that pic myself when they played San Francisco in November with Nevermore and Hypocrisy...seemed like a real nice fella, that Alexi...hes so short its cute....
awwwww :Spin: PLEASE tell some details Maharet, or PM me...!!!!!!

So, Alexi is really a LITTLE bunny....or should i say CUTE little bunny awwwwwww ;) wanna hug my lil' bunnybaby ;) ;)
oh, but it doesn't work. what did I do wrong? can someone explain to me, how this shit works? I'm too dumb for it...