The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

Java is giving me this 1316 error BS where I can't update to access the chat. I've tried getting rid of all the Java stuff and reinstalling and it still does it. Bah..
That sounds a little odd. Did you try installing some other version of Java? I did a little googling around this prob and it seems this is error comes mostly up with some really old Java versions when installing them - maybe you should try reinstalling still with one of the newer versions from This site seems to have links to the offline installation packages which might work better than the online installation packages too.

There's a little chat action going on right now for this Sunday's chat, check on in!

The 2nd last chat session tonight before the fest!

I would finally be in a good timezone to be around for some Sunday chatting but planning to be touristy in Sacramento today instead :)

Welcome to California, now go home :bah:!! :lol: Looking forward to hitting up Alcatraz with ya tomorrow bro!!