The problem with homophobia, you realize...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
... is that no one's perfectly straight. You think people could exist for centuries and be aware of sexuality but not realize this one simple little fact which seems to complicate everything...

It's about quarter after 10 and I should be meandering downstairs soon-ish, and I just want to see what this will start because I want to cause some trouble upon my return and this seems like a semi-intelligent way to do so...

Do you mean the reproduction of homosexuality, or the "spreading of the homosexual disease" as some of my fundamentalist friends like Jerry Falwell would probobly call it? Or the fact that homosexuality is supposedly wrong because 2 people of the same sex can't procreate and add to the over-population of our planet? I believe in population control, really... maybe it's just the sleep-deprived feminist mysanthrope in me talking or something. *shrugs*

Will, she mentioned that, dumbass. Look at her second question. You fucking moron. Jesus. Okay, anyway....yes, that is what I am speaking about. The problem lies in if everyone was a homosexual. Of course, it doesn't matter now, because of technology, but just decades ago, it would have been a problem. Besides that, I have no problem with homosexuality, besides the fact that it goes against the word of god. :D
Well there are plenty of homosexual couples who can do something that's supposedly equally as "Christian" and adopt a child from some over-populated third world country that we're probobly only a few steps away from being...
There are so many people that claim to believe in the word of God yet are, in their actions, totally against it... I'm not just talking about the clergy, but about the fanatics and the fundamentalists, too. It's really hard to take seriously the word of God when he seems ready to damn every sinner in the world to an eternity of torture rather than forgive them which they claim he does...
Well, god doesn't believe that faggots are good, because that is what it says in the Bible. So therefore, homosexuals are evil, manipulating bastards and bitches and should be exterminated from this great world that the almighty, all forgiving god created. :)
Thank you for clearing these things up, LoM...

God- "So, you say you murdered your wife and 5 children, blew up a hospital and raped a 5-year old? All is forgiven, my son... What! You say you copulated with a man?!? I SHALL SMITE THEE!" *boom*
Lord of Metal said:
Well, god doesn't believe that faggots are good, because that is what it says in the Bible. So therefore, homosexuals are evil, manipulating bastards and bitches and should be exterminated from this great world that the almighty, all forgiving god created. :)

Being homosexual is no sin. It's when one acts upon those feelings that it becomes a sin. Similar to having sex outside of the marriage, or to some sects of the christian religion, having sex without the express purpose of reproduction or "recreational" sex.

There are much worse things in this world to worry about than homosexuality (if you're a miss guided, god fearing individual). And more than likely these people have many issues they should be dealing with of their own nature before they begin judging others.
is this a set up to laura coming out? has she been gone because her and amos have been too busy dyking it out to post? makes you wonder....