The ProgPower Sickness.....

Woke up Sunday feeling like crap. It was like a mixture of 4 days worth of hangover and a fever. Had to leave Hotel at 11 am. For some reason I didn't book my flight back until 4.

Went to the airport and passed out on the floor for like 4 hours. Followed by the worst 3.5 hour flight of my life. Got home passed out. Went to work Monday because I knew the office would be behind, which it was. Called in sick today.
I was so sick Sunday night it was awful. It was like I "tripped" the day before, my whole body jsut beyond drained. I couldnt keep food down only hot tea.
I was feeling kind of crappy, too, but I think it was psychosomatic because I didn't want to go back to work yesterday. LOL. I usually come home with cold-like symptoms which I'm sure is due to drinking, lack of sleep and generally being off my routine, but it sounds like there was definitely something going around this year.

Didn't get sick like last year. Just in huge ProgPower withdrawal. More like Fest-sick. Eased the pain a little by going to Amorphis in NYC last night. Needless to say, that did nothing towards helping me recover my voice.
I thought it was just a sore throat from screaming too much, but alas it turned into the full-fledged ProgPower Plague by Sunday night. I was worthless yesterday, but am feeling slightly better today. Here's to hoping my roomies didn't also catch it.
Yup! First year in a while, and I was taking Airborne every day.

Steve in Philly
I could tell yours was coming on. You didn't sound so good on Saturday night .. heard the Cindy Brady sniffles taking hold.

Me on the other hand .... no sickness. Perhaps all that exercise I've been doing the past 2-3 months is paying off and actually helped improve my immume system.

So, who's sick?:puke:

A little hoarse.


But otherwise fine. :)
Rough around the edges and coming through the haze, other than that I am good to go... :zombie::p:lol: Actually surprised, that I was getting it coming back on the plane! Wheeeeeeeeew

Sore throat since waking up Sunday morning and hasn't gone away in the least bit yet. Hasn't happened since PPIII. :erk: