The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

yeah, everything i've heard with him involved has sounded so damn good and we what he has offered us is just unbelievable. couldn't be passed up, we would have to have been nuts.

cheers guys
Just push this shit when you get it done dude. Because you worked with Russ won't make you popular. Cos Heretic ARE the best UK Thrash band but nobody knows them and they recorded with Russ in 2007. I know you guys are doing great right now so I'm sure it'll be good fun!
yeah we will push this one harder but at the same time we're no looking at this as our window to make it. It's the experience of working with a producer, the shit that we can learn from the guy in 1 week is worth everything. If we can push it and something comes from it then excellent but realistically we there to learn not to suck. or how to suck a bit less at least :lol:
I know I'm probably going to sound like a dick, but it's not even remotely original metalcore either. It's already been done a thousand times by a thousand bands.
Just started a grind band in the vein of Agoraphobic Nosebleed, we're called Trailer Park Jesus and I'm trying to make a 'spiky' logo XD (pics soon!)

This has gone badly wrong...
Ummmmm, yeah please, but we were looking for a kind of humour element as well, kind of a parody of the standard grind logo? By that I mean, ULTRA MEGA SPIKES lol. We were also looking for a kind of band mascot thing, if you'd like to do that?
So a bit of an 'exclusive' Bloodbrawl update here. Not that exclusive since I already told my family, Ol, my girlfriend and a homeless man at the bottom of my road but still.

Long story short, Bloodbrawl will be going on a hiatus after the release of In the Lungs of Hell simply du to the fact that we're tired of getting fucked over by people left right and center. Our drummer, whilst a good player, sticks with his theory to the point of it being ridiculous which in turn makes him too difficult to work with properly, and on top of this all the others have said to me that since it has become such a personal aspect to me that I should probably be the one to write everything... so that's what I'm doing. There's no bad blood or anything like that, but we've been doing this for so long and trying so hard to get everything done only for something to happen at an inopportune moment and fuck everything up that we've worked so hard for.

Obviously, we're not going to just disband without releasing the record first - that would be fucking stupid. So as I said, the original release plan for the album will go ahead as scheduled with proceeds from the first so-many records going to the Mike Alexander fund, and we MAY do a live show or two but only if we were going to play with Seregon or something. After that, we're all going our seperate ways and do other projects - Joe and Chris have some shoegaze thing on the go and I'm obviously doing a stoner-doom band - and then maybe six, eight or twelve months from then we'll all get back together and see whether or not we want to give Bloodbrawl another go. That would probably depend entirely on the reception that In the Lungs of Hell recieves, if any at all.

Of course, this is only our current mindset - we could get halfway through recoding and decide to keep pushing, you never know. But this is how things stand right now, and though some people may be bummed out as hell, please know that it's better this way. It's fucking heartbreakig to see something I've put so much time, money and effort into (not to mention the sacrifices I've made to my health) but I suppose there comes a point where there is just nothing more you can do and you have to leave it be for awhile. But the album WILL still be released, no question there.