the questions for Maidens!


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2007
well,I had got a chance to ask but,I was too shy to talk them.:(
anyway,I start questions!! do you select the songs to play?

2.which song most fun to play?and which song most hard to play?

3.about Edwina(I named her "Edith":lol: )
did you have got any stories or ideas about "Edwina",when she was created?

4.when I bought a CD from official site,I got DVD(feat.3 songs)too.
these songs are plan to release? you have any plan to come to Japan?

6.this question is for menbers from phantom blue...
I'm fan of the Maidens,but also I'm diehard phantom blue fan too,
in Japan,most of media said "ex-phantom blue" but phantom blue is still alive?:confused:
I've been waiting for long long time...does PB have any plan to release new CD in the future?

thank you for reading till the end.
and I'm sorry,it's too long!!:notworthy
Oh my Kimiko! You did have a lot of questions - you should be an interviewer! :)

Have you checked out our press page? There is sooo much info there and a lot of the questions you asked are answered in them! Take a look and tell me what you think!
Hi Kimiko! Yes, Aja is right! You should be an interviewer! You were so shy on the phone, who would have known!! :lol:

I hope this answers some of your questions!

We play the songs that people suggest to us at our live shows and through email as well as some of our favorites and songs we think would just be a pleasant surprise for Maiden fans to hear.

One of the most fun songs to play for me is Phantom of the Opera! The hardest one to date for me is one of the new ones we'll be debuting at the upcoming Galaxy show, so I can't say which it is yet........(No, Jim, this is not intended to be a tease!!! LOL!) Hopefully you all won't be able to tell which one it is!! Hahaha!

The 3 song DVD you got is a promo item not planned to be officially released. It's what we send to bookers to give them a sample of what we do live. It was a special gift for you! :-)

Yes, we do have plans to come to Japan, we're just not 100% of the dates yet. Hopefully towards the end of this year, but maybe next year. We can't wait!!

Thank you for your support of Phantom Blue, Kimiko. That makes me very happy and proud. I believe they say "ex-Phantom Blue" because the band has not performed live for about 6 years, pretty much since The Iron Maidens formed. Could be a coincidence? Yes, Phantom Blue is still around but not very active lately as a whole. Members are keeping busy with various side projects, such as The Iron Maidens, which I don' t consider a "side project" these days in all honesty. :Saint: A new CD is not planned but you never know what the future holds should the right circumstances arise. All the original members are still in touch these days too so that's kinda neat.
The hardest one to date for me is one of the new ones we'll be debuting at the upcoming Galaxy show, so I can't say which it is yet........(No, Jim, this is not intended to be a tease!!! LOL!) /QUOTE]

:lol: Hopefully something from our constant beggings. :notworthy

Thank you for your support of Phantom Blue, Kimiko. That makes me very happy and proud. I believe they say "ex-Phantom Blue" because the band has not performed live for about 6 years, pretty much since The Iron Maidens formed. Could be a coincidence? Yes, Phantom Blue is still around but not very active lately as a whole. Members are keeping busy with various side projects, such as The Iron Maidens, which I don' t consider a "side project" these days in all honesty. :Saint: A new CD is not planned but you never know what the future holds should the right circumstances arise. All the original members are still in touch these days too so that's kinda neat.

Awesome!!! I can hold onto the hope of one day seeing Phantom Blue live!!! :rock:
Oh my Kimiko! You did have a lot of questions - you should be an interviewer! :)

Have you checked out our press page? There is sooo much info there and a lot of the questions you asked are answered in them! Take a look and tell me what you think!

so sorry,Aja-san!!
that's too much to ask!! :o
yes,I'd better to read press page before post these questions...:(
anyway,I'll start to read!!:rolleyes:
thank you for your advice!!:D
No worries Kimiko - just thought you would enjoy the press page! :cool:

My favorite song to play is Rime of the Ancient Mariner. We haven't added it back yet since Heather joined us - but we will in the future! Also Revelations - it's such a beautiful song!

We have always called our monster girl Edwina because Derek Riggs gave her that name - but Edith is a nice name for her, too! :kickass: Maybe we should call her Edwinith!
Derek put our panties on her in the picture after we sent him a pair as a thank you. He's got a great sense of humor, doesn't he?
Hi Kimiko! Yes, Aja is right! You should be an interviewer! You were so shy on the phone, who would have known!! :lol:

I hope this answers some of your questions!
first of all,I'm sorry to ask so many questions:o

and thank you so much for answering :D
they're so interesting!

We play the songs that people suggest to us at our live shows and through email as well as some of our favorites and songs we think would just be a pleasant surprise for Maiden fans to hear
you decid songs to play not only your taste,with others' suggestions:)
but point is "surprise for Maiden fans to hear";)

One of the most fun songs to play for me is Phantom of the Opera! The hardest one to date for me is one of the new ones we'll be debuting at the upcoming Galaxy show, so I can't say which it is yet.
"Phantom of the Opera" ! one of my favourites!
and now I'm setting that song as my profile song on myspace.
which song will you play next?!:goggly:
I hope Galaxy show would be wonderful show!:rock:

The 3 song DVD you got is a promo item not planned to be officially released. It's what we send to bookers to give them a sample of what we do live. It was a special gift for you! :-)
Oh!really?they're so intersting video,so all Iron Maiden&Maidens' fan love them...but "route666" will release soon,so I don't need to worry,cause of that including Live DVD!:kickass:

Yes, we do have plans to come to Japan, we're just not 100% of the dates yet. Hopefully towards the end of this year, but maybe next year. We can't wait!!
I'm looking forward to see you in Tokyo!!I can't wait,too!!

Yes, Phantom Blue is still around but not very active lately as a whole. Members are keeping busy with various side projects, such as The Iron Maidens, which I don' t consider a "side project" these days in all honesty. :Saint: A new CD is not planned but you never know what the future holds should the right circumstances arise. All the original members are still in touch these days too so that's kinda neat.
thank you Linda-san!
these words made me so happy!!
I hope someday(near future) I can see you in the show of Phantom Blue!!

thank you for answering these a many many questions!
thank you!!!
No worries Kimiko - just thought you would enjoy the press page! :cool:

My favorite song to play is Rime of the Ancient Mariner. We haven't added it back yet since Heather joined us - but we will in the future! Also Revelations - it's such a beautiful song!

We have always called our monster girl Edwina because Derek Riggs gave her that name - but Edith is a nice name for her, too! :kickass: Maybe we should call her Edwinith!
Derek put our panties on her in the picture after we sent him a pair as a thank you. He's got a great sense of humor, doesn't he?

thank you for your kindness!!
and also thank you answering the questions!!
(sorry for taking your time...)

I love "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"!!:)
I hope to you to play that song when you come to Japan!!

It was surprised that Derek Riggs named her Edwina!!
I can't thrust away that's really strong name!
it's really honour if it's call her Edwinith!!:D

oh,yes!she's wearing maidens' panties!!what a sense of humor!!:lol: