the "rage effect" or "rage situation"


Rage should be invited back (I know this wasn't the subject of the thread). But they should be.
Obviously the "Rage Situation" was unique due to the vast number of people to leave, but really every band that goes on last on Saturday has a lot of people leave for a variety of reasons: They're tired. They have to start long trips that night. The old Fairfield Flu (which was particularly bad at PP IV). Maybe even some disinterest

I would think so, but I remember that the place was packed for Stratovarius. I even saw some bands in there who had left their autograph or merchandising tables to come in and see them.

Edguy at PPV seemed a little less packed, but it was still a large crowd.

I did hear about Rage, and I also hear that a lot of people were so exhausted at III that Angra played to about a 3/4s full house. Is that true?
I'll forever be angry that Rage has been turned off from the American audience by this experience.

The worst part, is that there's really no single person or entity to blame. Shit happened. We can't just say "Oh it's all Evergrey's fault those bastards" cuz how did they know? Really? How did they know a quick opportunity to hang with the crowd would turn into a mass exodus from the floor?

And it sucks. Cuz now Terrana is out of the band, and his drum solo was easily the most entertaining I've ever seen, and I'm afraid it'll be a cold day in hell before I get to see him here again.
I think the biggest problem was caused by Evergrey announcing their autograph session at the end of their set. Nothing against Evergrey's music or even the band members, but that was not a very classy move on their part.
They did that at fans requests.. they had flown in from Denver and had not had an opportunity for a signing.
my 2 cents
I don't think they meant to offend anyone, but i know they were really tired and STILL made themselves available to fans... dunno how that is not class. I know many other artists who would have made it a priority to get some sleep, since they were flying out to Iceland the next day
Are Mary and I the only ones that thought Rage had the worst sound of any band that has every played PP? At least from our position, the sound was very distorted and it was hard to pick out the different parts. I still think this, coupled with the absolutely soul-draining performances by Circle II Circle and Evergrey before them, really led to the place clearing out.

Just my dumb opinion, of course...

the stage sound was awesome... Victor ran 2 stacks in stereo, and you were enveloped in guitar sound when he played. I think maybe the stage levels were a bit hot for the front of house mix, plus when that many bodies leave a room, the acoustics change dramatically. Add that to a FOH sound engineer who does not know the material, and I could guess that it could have been a bad mix. Sounded great from where I was though
I have seen a clip of their performance, and the sound was good... not sure if it was a soundboard mix or if it was ambient mic though
I would think so, but I remember that the place was packed for Stratovarius. I even saw some bands in there who had left their autograph or merchandising tables to come in and see them.

Edguy at PPV seemed a little less packed, but it was still a large crowd.

I did hear about Rage, and I also hear that a lot of people were so exhausted at III that Angra played to about a 3/4s full house. Is that true?

Stratovarius had a packed house at the start of their set, but had little over 1/2 the audience left by the end of their set. IIRC Glenn's comment on that was something like "It's my job to put asses in seats for the set. It's their job to keep them there."
Stratovarius had a packed house at the start of their set, but had little over 1/2 the audience left by the end of their set. IIRC Glenn's comment on that was something like "It's my job to put asses in seats for the set. It's their job to keep them there."

Admittedly, I was way too tired to tell by the time they'd been playing 30 minutes or so. And I probably wasn't alone. I even considered leaving early when it was apparent they were just playing the Live Visions album + a few brand new songs. But when they threw in Destiny and Hunting High and Low at the end, I felt I got my money's worth.
That must be why Tobias was so mystified at the lack of response during Edguy's set. It's not that we didn't love Edguy, it's that they weren't the third band on Friday this time, when the crowd was just about warmed up.
Stratovarius had a packed house at the start of their set, but had little over 1/2 the audience left by the end of their set. IIRC Glenn's comment on that was something like "It's my job to put asses in seats for the set. It's their job to keep them there."

Admittedly, I was way too tired to tell by the time they'd been playing 30 minutes or so. And I probably wasn't alone. I even considered leaving early when it was apparent they were just playing the Live Visions album + a few brand new songs. But when they threw in Destiny and Hunting High and Low at the end, I felt I got my money's worth.

i was suprised they didnt play eagle heart

i love stratovarius and that was a frickin AWESOME show
i was suprised they didnt play eagle heart

i love stratovarius and that was a frickin AWESOME show

I agree with adaher. As potential Stratovarius setlist go that one was only adequate. The encore was the best part and saved a well executed but otherwise unremarkable set.
That must be why Tobias was so mystified at the lack of response during Edguy's set. It's not that we didn't love Edguy, it's that they weren't the third band on Friday this time, when the crowd was just about warmed up.

I don't think he was so much mystified as frustrated. He kept saying "I know you guys are tired, but..." I think this pic sums up how he felt about it. Edguy did keep more audience than any other Saturday headliner I've seen though.
They did that at fans requests.. they had flown in from Denver and had not had an opportunity for a signing.
my 2 cents
I don't think they meant to offend anyone, but i know they were really tired and STILL made themselves available to fans... dunno how that is not class. I know many other artists who would have made it a priority to get some sleep, since they were flying out to Iceland the next day

Don't get me wrong - I totally dig Evergrey and agree 100% that it was cool of them to put the fans above sleep, but Rage also made quite a commitment to come over here to play ONE date in the States and they deserved a chance to show the many prog/power fans that were not familiar with their material what they had to offer. Again, other than one comment in this thread, the people who did give them a chance seemed to think they put on a killer set!

Evergrey is obviously a ProgPower favorite, which is great for them, but they could have thought a little more about the final band before doing what they did. How would they have felt if the roles were reversed?!

Oh yeah, how could I forget the one negative thing that happened during the Rage set - the "Maiden mosher"!!! The dude with the Maiden t-shirt and pierced everything that was basically abusing anyone that stuck around for the final set of the night. If I wasn't so into the music, I would have loved to grab a hold of one of his many piercings and make him cry like a baby! :lol:
saturday headliners would keep more people, if lots of people knew how to treat their bodies

like lots of people get wasted as fuck and only get a low amount of hours of sleep

and then wonder why they are so tired the next day.

my friend didnt go to sleep friday night, and fell asleep in a seat the next day, i told him to get rest cause hed need it but he wouldnt listen.

its a prime example of why people should really try to get alot of sleep friday night and leave the extreme partying for saturday night.

thats just my 2 cents, its part of the reason why some people always leave.
Oh yeah, how could I forget the one negative thing that happened during the Rage set - the "Maiden mosher"!!! The dude with the Maiden t-shirt and pierced everything that was basically abusing anyone that stuck around for the final set of the night. If I wasn't so into the music, I would have loved to grab a hold of one of his many piercings and make him cry like a baby! :lol:

Yeah, that guy was a total moron! Another guy and my dad nearly got in a fight with that idiot, but he backed down as soon as he realized ten other people were around there to have our backs. :lol: