the "rage effect" or "rage situation"

Evergrey is obviously a ProgPower favorite, which is great for them, but they could have thought a little more about the final band before doing what they did. How would they have felt if the roles were reversed?!

They'd have shrugged and moved on. Shit happens.

It was not Evergrey's responsibility to schedule their autographing so it wouldn't be opposite a headliner. After all, they were opposite a headliner, a band that would ordinarily be expected to "keep asses in seats" (as Glenn so eruditely puts it).
most people left BEFORE they started.. It's not like the saw a song or 2 and started to leave.
I saw three songs and left. Boring. DarkTide, whose opinion I trust, said they really got a head of steam going and the show killed. So from that perspective, I'm sorry I messed it. However, nothing they did during the first three songs gave me any indication things were going to improve.

Something no has mentioned in this thread, is the temperature. The A/C was blowing hard enough to combat the body heat of 1,200 people. When 900 of those people left, it got quite cold, quite fast.

Stratovarius had a packed house at the start of their set, but had little over 1/2 the audience left by the end of their set. IIRC Glenn's comment on that was something like "It's my job to put asses in seats for the set. It's their job to keep them there."

Admittedly, I was way too tired to tell by the time they'd been playing 30 minutes or so. And I probably wasn't alone. I even considered leaving early when it was apparent they were just playing the Live Visions album + a few brand new songs. But when they threw in Destiny and Hunting High and Low at the end, I felt I got my money's worth.
The band acknowledged the crowd preffered the more uptempo songs because Strat was boring the shit out of my crowd with ballad after ballad. So what did Strat do after making that statement? Launched into another ballad of course.... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hunting High and Low was the ONLY thing that I enjoyed about their otherwise extremely unmemorable set.
Anyone remember Rage's setlist from that night?

I think I remember most of them! This is not in correct order (Although I remember the first two songs and the encores in order) though:

Don't Fear the Winter
Paint the Devil on the Wall
Black in Mind
Solitary Man
Dies Irae
Set the World on Fire
Smolski's solo
Terrana's solo
War of the Worlds (Keep in mind this was a couple months before the album actually came out)
From the Cradle to the Grave
All I Want (encore #1)
Higher than the Sky (encore #2)
The band acknowledged the crowd preffered the more uptempo songs because Strat was boring the shit out of my crowd with ballad after ballad. So what did Strat do after making that statement? Launched into another ballad of course.... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hunting High and Low was the ONLY thing that I enjoyed about their otherwise extremely unmemorable set.

Yeah, the best part of Strato's set was the last three songs, Hunting High and Low, Destiny, and Black Diamond, and The Kiss of Judas and Speed of Light were excellent at the beginning of the set I'll say, too.
Edguy is one of my fav bands on the planet. That night was the only time I have ever seen them. I had food poisoning all day and dragged my sick ass to their set. I was soooooooo disappointed. I thought Toby brought a lot of the crowd apathy on himself with guest singers (some of which came out and went back without singing!!) and an endless parade of dialogue, mostly gay jokes. That got real old, real fast. When they got down and played (like Mandrake), they slayed. But overall, to me, their set was a total bore.

Chris :rock:
Edguy is one of my fav bands on the planet. That night was the only time I have ever seen them. I had food poisoning all day and dragged my sick ass to their set. I was soooooooo disappointed. I thought Toby brought a lot of the crowd apathy on himself with guest singers (some of which came out and went back without singing!!) and an endless parade of dialogue, mostly gay jokes. That got real old, real fast. When they got down and played (like Mandrake), they slayed. But overall, to me, their set was a total bore.

Chris :rock:

I have to disagree with you. That was my first time seeing them live, and I quite enjoyed the set. The next time I saw them, at Wacken in 2005, I left halfway into their set because I was tired, it was miserable weather, and it didn't sound good.

As for Rage, I will happily be watching their set at Wacken this year.
Edguy is one of my fav bands on the planet. That night was the only time I have ever seen them. I had food poisoning all day and dragged my sick ass to their set. I was soooooooo disappointed. I thought Toby brought a lot of the crowd apathy on himself with guest singers (some of which came out and went back without singing!!) and an endless parade of dialogue, mostly gay jokes. That got real old, real fast. When they got down and played (like Mandrake), they slayed. But overall, to me, their set was a total bore.

I thought the actual setlist could have been better, but I enjoyed Tobias' antics. It's what makes an Edguy show fun. And it makes every Edguy show unique, because you never know what Tobias is going to do.
THe gay comments did get old after awhile, but I THOROUGHLY enjoyed Edguy's set.
Edguy is one of my fav bands on the planet. That night was the only time I have ever seen them. I had food poisoning all day and dragged my sick ass to their set. I was soooooooo disappointed. I thought Toby brought a lot of the crowd apathy on himself with guest singers (some of which came out and went back without singing!!) and an endless parade of dialogue, mostly gay jokes. That got real old, real fast. When they got down and played (like Mandrake), they slayed. But overall, to me, their set was a total bore.

Chris :rock:

What parade of guest singers? Rob Rock and Timo were the only two I remember and they both sang. Also my only disappointment in the set was that they didn't play Mandrake, which was the song I was most anticipating.
Edguy is one of my fav bands on the planet. That night was the only time I have ever seen them. I had food poisoning all day and dragged my sick ass to their set. I was soooooooo disappointed. I thought Toby brought a lot of the crowd apathy on himself with guest singers (some of which came out and went back without singing!!) and an endless parade of dialogue, mostly gay jokes. That got real old, real fast. When they got down and played (like Mandrake), they slayed. But overall, to me, their set was a total bore.

Chris :rock:

I was also quite disappointed in Edguy's set as well. The setlist was extremely lame, and they played some of their most mediocre songs, especially the ones off of Hellfire Club, although there were a few exceptions. I was hoping to at least hear Tears of a Mandrake, Babylon, or Headless Game!
I wouldn't say I was quite disappointed with Edguy's set, but I was a little disappointed. I personally thought their first PP appearance they had much more energy and seemed hungrier about their performance. To me, the second show had kind of a been there, done that feel to it.
Tears of a Mandrake not being played was a disappointment but overall I highly enjoyed their set
I wouldn't say I was quite disappointed with Edguy's set, but I was a little disappointed. I personally thought their first PP appearance they had much more energy and seemed hungrier about their performance. To me, the second show had kind of a been there, done that feel to it.

Now I wasn't at PPIII, but their performance of "Headless Game" at PPIII is available on both their Live CD and the ProgPower CD. I think they sounded much more polished and tighter at PPV.