The Re-Reelase of Tokyo Warhearts

I always thought that was somehow the point with LTD everyone wouldn't have those and they would become rare in time. Spinefarm doesn't think so obviously...
The people at Spinefarm told me that it will be in a jewel case without any extras like postcards or bonustracks.
Sympozium: That's a very good idea. The Tokyp show was filmed with some cameras as far as I know.

I hope the Bodoms will use at least some of these shots for their first DVD.
Originally posted by Zarok666
Sympozium: That's a very good idea. The Tokyp show was filmed with some cameras as far as I know.

I hope the Bodoms will use at least some of these shots for their first DVD.

It´ll be great to be a dvd of that show... hole show, with everybody banger theirs heads... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: