The Recording of Mere Mortals......


Hell, open 24/6
May 12, 2002
Dear Andy

Was going to send you a mail, but figured the hotmail address probably fills up quicker than a Nun Knickers when they see me.

Anyways, what I was interested in, is do you ever Find time in your Busy Schedule for the recording of Mere Not-quite-there-yets.

My Band DorEterna ( are looking to record our first E.P., a short and sweet affair, designed to to get some real Interest, can send you some rough recordings if your even a little bit interested. Would just be a Two or Three Day affair, but the Music is incredibly intense and, i would have thought, right up your street...

Having high expectations of ourselves and others....we thought "We need someone good to do this" so the obvious answer....ask the guy whose the best producer going, with the best studio.......

We're Headlining the Underworld this Saturday if anyone reading this is Interested....btw :wave:
I'm actually wanting to find time to record my own stuff nevermind anyone else!!! I've usually got 3 projects on the go at any one time so sorry......

Glad you like AE
Andy Sneap said:
I'm actually wanting to find time to record my own stuff nevermind anyone else!!! I've usually got 3 projects on the go at any one time so sorry......

Glad you like AE

Sounds Familiar! hehehe, not to worry dude, thanks for replying.