Recording Journal Discussion Thread

Heh you could argue who did what first, but as punk has shown, there's no way to pinpoint where a riff came from and there can be thousands upon thousands using the same riff with no repercussions. :D

Do I think Joe Satriani was the first person to use that progression? No. And he won't be the last, neither will Coldplay. :)

As for ND covers.........Did you guys do an Opeth cover? ;)
This is some great stuff. Great to hear everything is going well. Can't wait to hear the differences and the new to compliment what was already there.
Questions for Larry and Vito:

I'm interested in how you do heavy guitars. Do you have a 'base sound' of, say, two guitars on each side?

Do you each do half of the rhythm tracks on each song, or does Vito do all the guitars on half the songs, and Larry all the guitars on the other half?

And if you've got some magic secret formula that shouldn't be shared, that's fine too.:p

I know you guys are busy with more important things, so don't worry about answering me any time soon. Thanks guys.
I know you asked those guys, but since they are busy recording, I can answer this I believe. Larry and Vito each play their own rhythm tracks on each song. They do in fact double each guitar, so there are 2 on each side, to fatten up the sound. Harmonies overdubs, solos, and clean guitars are added later. It's all layering upon layering.
Right, everything Paul said is correct. Vito and I both play on every song, doing our own rhythm guitar parts, harmonies, etc. And we usually do at least two tracks each of our heavy rhythms and such. I'm proud to say that considering the amount of tracks we use up for guitars, Vito and I move pretty quickly especially on the heavier stuff. And as I mentioned in the recording journal thread, I think the guitar sound we've got on this new cd is crushing, much more ballsy than in the past.