the red chord?

BBtS was rumored to break up after their singer and drummer quit, but they vow to continue on...searching for new members. :err:
The Greys said:
Good band



as far as their genre i would say their a death metal influenced metalcore band. The death part mainly coming from the vocal performance.
The term metalcore implies [a hardcore band] being influenced or sounding like (in some part--small or large) a thrash or death metal band at times.

Otherwise, I'd go with that definition moreso than others I've seen.
Funeral Portrait said:
BBtS was rumored to break up after their singer and drummer quit, but they vow to continue on...searching for new members. :err:

Yeah thats who I was referring to. I really hope they continue, it would be a crime of intolerable proportions if they didn't!
Bump instead of making new thread.

There's a new album out, anyone hear it yet?

I saw these guys live with Job For A Cowboy and CANNIBAL CORPSE :kickass:

TRC probably had the best pit going, surprisingly.
I picked it up- it's very good. I never heard anything off Clients though, so I have no basis to compare it to their previous work.
never would expect Death Delirium to like that band

as for me, I sold my Red Chord albums so I could get Turn Loose The Swans. I don't regret it, either.
Hell fucking yes. i just saw them last week with Between The Buried And Me, Cephalic Carnage, and The End. The best show ive gone to.
Im sorry, but i really dont think The Red Chord is metal-core just because they are popular, you all label them metal-core? Theres nothing "core" about them, they are basically just like a sorta grindish death metal. They just arent as heavy as others.
never would expect Death Delirium to like that band

as for me, I sold my Red Chord albums so I could get Turn Loose The Swans. I don't regret it, either.

I have liked a lot of awful bands especially around 16. I wish I did not start buying cds until around 1 year ago. My entire cd collection is just about shit except for about 20 percent of it.
The Red Chord are still pretty good, their debut was great, follow up was meh, most recent album is great. A nice return to form.